Wednesday, March 29
> Happy happy bunny
Amber's a happy bunny today. I havent laughed so much since 92148732342 days.
Met up with Shalyn and Yiling for Kbox-ing in the evening at Tampines. The student package sucks a hell lot. Period.
But we definately did have a great time. So sorry i took up the mic most of the time, need to eliminate all my moodiness!! LOL.
After that, slacked around and met up with Hugen, Alan and James for supper. Very humourous people they are. Left to East Coast to chill after that.
So now i know, sometimes, people shouldnt be so unfriendly. Its good to know more people heh.
Busy busy day tomorrow. My Bangkok trip is nearing and dad wants me home early these few nights. So...NO to M.O.S with Denise and co tomorrow, NO supper, NO Kbox with Hugen, Alan and James on Thursday, NO late nights out. SO SAD!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:07:00 am
Tuesday, March 28
As you lovelies know, im flying off to Bangkok this coming Sunday with my beloved and wont be back till the next Monday midnight.
I cant wait for the trip even if its really dangerous now.
I promise i'll take care of myself and not wander around too much at night.
But now, which kind soul of you readers (who are my friends), is willing to lend me a digicam that isnt too bulky? Pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
I promise i'll not let it have a single scratch, not damage it. I'll protect it more than protect myself. (okay that's damn lame). But really, if due to unforeseen circumstances, i misplaced it or something, i'll buy a new one back for you. PROMISE!!
But because i spent my pay for this trip, ive no money left to buy a proper digicam. PLEASE LEND IT TO ME!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I swear you're the nicest person around and i'll definately lend you my helping hand when you need it. I PROMISE!!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:10:00 pm
> randomness
Saturday night after work, i met my bestest guy friends Adrian, Nicholas and XiaoQiang for dinner + ktv pub + supper.
Yes, enough said. Adrian and i wanted to eat durian but we didnt in the end. Another time perhaps.
Yesterday was my cousin's 21st birthday. Had a buffet dinner at the clubhouse. Did some catching up with my other relatives, ate like i havent eaten for 10 years. The birthday cake was sinfully delicious. The chocolate was amazing.
Would be meeting Shalyn and Yiling tomorrow for kbox-ing. YAYNESS!!
And for the rest of the week i'll be working like a lifeless mammal and *sings i am leaving on a jet planeeeeeeeeee, will be back in more than a week's time.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:00:00 am
Saturday, March 25
> My emo's making me lose my mind
I am feeling really really upset and i so wanna cry. But i held back my tears because i told myself to be strong and from today onwards, i shall just keep every single thing to myself and not let anyone attack me when im on my weakest and most vulnerable moment.
Its true how hard it is to accept the fact and face the music. But i have no choice but to show that im not easily defeated. I'll continue standing strong.
Exist only when needed. Other than that, im redundant.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:40:00 am
Friday, March 24
> I guess it must be PMS.
Im in a freaking irritated mood throughout the whole of today ever since i got woken up by a call. Started my day with a bad news, and so my foul mood lasted all day long. Managed to feel a little lighter when i was driving this noon. Auto lesson today, whack only! Sped like nobody's business.
Went to work after that. Irritated mood came alive. The whole shop was in an entire mess and i cant stand it being so messy. All the inventory are not placed accordingly and they took up so much space. Worst thing was, i was told to pack the damn storeroom but i had totally no mood to do so. I cant stand the mess, it really made me remove every single piece and put them nicely in place. Cant stand being ordered around.
Ohhhhhhhhhh that aside.
Happy belated birthday to Phyllis and Huat Chin! (21/03)
I had a helluva great time at the chalet. It was 2 crazy nights spent over there. So many fun shits happened and im glad i enjoyed myself. I havent been enjoying much since the holidays started. Got a cut on my finger and now it still hurts when typing on the keyboard. Couldnt find a single piece of plaster at home. How fuckuped can my day be today.
I soooooooooooo cant wait to go Bangkok with my beloved Shalyn. Had been anticipating for this trip since i dont exactly when. But as the news reported, Thailand is in a state of chaos now and its really dangerous. I know how worried Dad and mom were, kept asking me to cancel the trip. But still, i really wanna go. Oh Shalyn, i really wanna go Bangkok with you!!!!!!!!!!
Sighsigh. Im in a terrible bad mood now and all i want is to get out and breathe.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:18:00 am
Monday, March 20
> Omg. what a shock.
I saw him today. After about 2 years or so, i saw him again, so unexpectedly. It then made me wonder, how did i fall in love with him so deeply 2 years back, to the extent whereby i could give up everything and even die for him (which im thankful i didnt). And so, i saw him once again.
And of course, needless to say, lots of emotions came running back to me and it wasnt pleasant at all. Its all because of him, i grew and know what type of guy im looking for. Its all because of him, i lost all faith and trust in guys and relationship. Its all because of him, I knew how its like to be in love, real love. Its all because of him, my life ended up in such a big mess.
But since it had passed for so long, i dont hate him anymore. And its really time for me to move on.
But i really really wonder, what made me love him so deeply then? I must be blind or something.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:18:00 am
Sunday, March 19
> kiss goodbye
I finally woke up from my own world, realising that ive been living in my own lie all along. My heart seemed to be bleeding and i could feel the immense hatred burning in my eyes.
Its finally a fullstop after all the question marks. I finally understood the rationale behind your misdoing. I finally got slapped back to reality and i swear i'll make my life much fulfilling than ever.
You just proved to me that what i feel about guys are true.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:17:00 am
Saturday, March 18
> Happy happy girl i am!
Okay i know i ought to be sleeping at this time. Its true how tired i am right now, my eyelids could hardly open but im just so reluctant to go to bed.
Guess what? Im a really happy happy girl today! I managed to complete and clear vertical and parallel parking within ONE hour. How smart can i be? *blush
I was so super shocked when my instructor said im all ready and set to go for my driving test. But the sad thing is, my test date is in another 2 months time. WTH RIGHT!!
So now that ive completed all my modules, all i gotta do is go for revision lessons for the next 2 months. What a waste of money and time. To save money, i can just refrain from going for driving lessons for the next few weeks till the few days before my test right? But you know, Ms Amber is super kiasu. I dont wanna stop driving for too long.
But then again, since im paying for my own driving course, im so hard up for money. So i should save whatever i can right? So tell me, what should i do?
Recently, i made a new friend. Its so not me to give my number to a complete stranger. But my friends had been urging me to get myself a boyfriend. And i know its high time i bring a decent guy home for my mom to see. I was feeling a little different that day when we met up. Its like im much happier and well, he did give me a good impression overall.
But still, only i know who my heart is going out for. A guy whom i had and lost, someone whom we'll never be together.
Okay, sad things aside. I feel like a total couch potato since the holidays started. My appetite increased tremendously and mom got a little worried. I ate like the amount of what my bro eats for dinner and yet im even half full. I continued munching on biscuits and whatever snacks i can find at home right after dinner. My mouth wouldnt stop biting till wee hours like now. Im putting on weight, but it seemed like i couldnt care much.
People used to say i have a flat tummy. Not that im showing off, but i dont usually see a tummy around that area. All my fats goes to my legs i suppose. But now, i can see my tummy forming up and that suck. But its only till i feel too fat and disgusted of my own figure then i would decide to stop eating and go on a diet.
Food = love. I so love eating!
Okay, now this entry sounds really random. Bed time i guess. Goodnight lovelies.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:57:00 am
Friday, March 17
> expression-less.
My family, since young, do not practice the habit of showing thanks or any form of expression (except anger and irritation). Almost 19 years being brought up, i never once said thanks to mom or dad when they did something noble or things that made me felt really touched.
It wasnt just only me. It also apply to my sis and bro. Bro is an introvert, he hardly talk to any of us. The only person he talked to most often would be my sis. But not much of his personal life. We wouldnt and may never know that bro joined Singapore Idol and made it to the second round if the producer didnt ring him up via the house telephone line. That's how cold and distant my family is despite it being a complete one.
Just this evening, i was watching dvd using the dvd player that hardly anyone uses. Well, my disc got stucked after the entire movie and the it just wouldnt open up. I wasnt much bothered about it because i thought after letting it rest awhile it would be back to normal and open up. But dad got so panicked, he tried ways and means to get the disc out since it was a rented one.
In the end, he dismantled the whole player, took out my disc, return it to me and had no choice but to throw the dvd player away. I was super shocked. For real. Who on earth would dismantle the whole dvd player just to retrieve a disc? And the worst thing was, i didnt say a single word. Not even the basic "thank you", neither was there any expression on my face. I simply walked up to him took the dvd and walked back to the other living room and continued watching tv.
This is how things work in my family. No one ever showed any gratitude. How sad can that be?
There were also other moments whereby i really appreciated what dad and mom had done for me. But still, no words or actions of gratitude. Instead, i flare up at them at every small things.
My dad is a retiree. Now, he's like the "maid" of the household. Despite bringing up 3 children to this age, we, as their kids, should be helping out in the household chores. But no, dad and mom were the one cleaning up the house, washing the dishes, watering the plants, taking care of Ebony's poo and pee, washing and ironing the clothes, sweeping and mopping the floor and every single thing you can think of.
Every morning, dad would prepare breakfast for us. Whenever i have nothing on in the early afternoon, he would make sure he bought lunch for me. Dinner is no exception. Either dad or mom would buy dinner home for us. They often worry if we'll be coming back for dinner, so usually they will eat just a little to make sure there's enough food for us if we didnt pick up their call.
Its true how naggy i felt they were at times. Often questioning me of my whereabouts, what time i have to get up the next day, what time i would be home, where would i be going, and over the slightest thing you can think of. Usually, i would just give them a one-word answer or simply shrug it off by ignoring them or answering them with "ya, ah, orh, yes, no, uhm".
Ive been brought up this way whereby i dont know how to express myself. Sometimes when i tried to be really thankful to someone, i would go like "oh ure so nice, thanks so much", but often, i felt like im just acting and it wasnt at all natural. And i dont like it.
Many times when people do things that made me really touched, i wouldnt really show much emotions or looked like im really pleased for their thoughtful acts. But seriously, deep down within me, im really thankful. I just didnt know how to show it.
Dont bother asking me to change and start showing my gratitude to dad and mom. Because it just isnt the way my family works. It just feels weird and "wrong". Geez, i dont know. But im full on envious when i see how some of my friends can communicate so well with their family. And it just seem that my family would never be like theirs.
One day, i really hope to tell dad and mom that i really love them a lot, and that ive been really touched by all the things they did for me. I know for sure, that in their heart, we always come first than anything else.
Its pretty hard for me to go on at times because i know its wrong. They are my parents, i should show respect for them and be filial. But..its just so not me, so not us.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:34:00 am
Thursday, March 16
> Busy busy Wednesday.
It was indeed a great day to get browned yesterday. Joanna and i hit the beach once again. It had been months since i last see that girl. Getting darker and more matured in her thinking already! Had a great time there. The sun was so scorching i couldnt bear the heat. I kept complaining and running into Sunsetbay bar to hide under the shelter while disturbing Vert since there wasnt much customers.
We took like multiple crazy shots and Jo was like so crazy yesterday. Ms Emelia Yip, you've certainly missed out lotsa fun!
And so, i got my back burnt again. Its damn painful lah. But i guess my face wont peel this time cos i applied sunblock. Like wth lah, i seriously want my face to be much tanner because its like damn freaking fair. Totally in contrast with my skin colour. Super ugly !!
After sentosa, had dinner at the hawker centre and went home to rest for a while. Waited for dear Shalyn to arrive at my place before preparing for Zouk. How coincidentally i saw my "boyfriend", Shunxiong, online and yes, he's going Zouk too. So we shared a cab there together, clubbed together with his 2 other friends and went home together.
Phuture is freaking packed lah. Hate it like totally. I dont have space to groove, and i always get in contact with sticky bodies. Freaking disgusting!! So we moved to Mambo and OMG i tell you, i was so energized over there! Like duh, i dont know the mambo moves at all but its so fun just trying to follow the "lao da" and sing along to the retro music. Its so happy dancing there, for a while, i felt really happy for once. Its like all my depressing moments eliminated from my heart, vanished into thin air. That's what i called being truly happy. Havent felt happier than that for a freakin long time.
So i saw a number of people at Zouk last night. People like Zhihuai, Ernest, Natalyn, Joshua Fong who got so dead drunk i cant help but to laugh at him, Weiyang (omg lor i didnt see him for so long) and Jeffrey my lucky star!
Okay so, ive got myself another job. Yes, its another job, not a new job. Which means, im currently working on two jobs simultaneously. Like wth la, i suddenly wondered. Am i not busy enough? Oh well, i guess i just need some more stuffs to occupy myself. And so, i'll be leaving my place in a while to give tuition to a Primary 2 boy. Teaching English. OMG LAH!! My English isnt very strong. Im more to giving mathematics. But well, Primary 2 English, shouldnt be much of a problem i guess?
Lastly, Im so damn super sorry my dear JingYang. LOL. Shopping on Monday was postponed to today and now it had got to be postponed till i dont know when. Im so sorry lah. Will make it up to you okay!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:19:00 pm
Monday, March 13
> Guys. Bah.
Please, dont even bother watching Date Movie. Its the lamest, most retarded movie ive watched this year. Unless you need a laugh (which didnt really tickle me that much), you might wanna try catching it at Bedok Princess. Its totally not worth your $9.50.
I caught tt flick with Huat yesterday. We wanted to watch Final Destination 3 but there were no slots. Met up with Adrian, Nicholas and friends near Parklane before Wenfu came to pick me up for supper.
I tell you, i was in a freakin foul mood yesterday night.
I totally dont understand guys anymore. Well okay, maybe its just you. I so dont understand you anymore. I think guys change so much faster than a girl. One moment they say they like you and wanna woo you, and the next moment, they disappear! Either so, or they can act like you dont exist or something.
When a guy say he likes you, he can do all sorts of things to please you and make you feel like the happiest girl on earth. He will do little little things to make you touched and melt you inside out. But once he had a change of mind, or a change of heart, BAMP! You're gone in his life and he wont even bother contacting you ever again.
And then i will start wondering. Why do these kinda guys always exist in my life? For years, yes years, ive met a number of guys like that. They all had a similiarity. Their interest span of me never lasted more than 2 weeks.
So is there a problem with me? Or is there a problem with them? Okay fine. I admit sometimes i tend to be kinda arrogant and hang up to sell, but there were also times whereby im really sincere to be better friends first before thinking of being more than that.
But still, its never more than 2 weeks. And these guy dont appeal to me at all because what i seek is sincerity and peserverance. Is it too much to ask for?
Anyway, meeting up with the babes tonight was great. I wish i could meet up with them more. I so miss them already.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:25:00 am
Saturday, March 11
> total crap.
Ive received a total crappy results via sms this noon while working. It just had to spoil my Friday. Fuck school. Fuck examinations. Fucking results. Fuck diploma. Fuck certs. Fucking world.
I thought i could scrap through. I thought i could do it. I continued to drill in all informations to the extent whereby dad and mom told me to quit studying and take a one day break. To the extent whereby dad and mom had to beg me to come home and have a goodnight rest and just do my best.
Fuck it. Ive never been so disappointed in myself.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:41:00 am
Wednesday, March 8
> Fulfilling day spent.
Annyong Haseyo. (which means Hello in Korean)
Yesterday was a great day out with ms lovely Emelia. We combed the whole of Marina Square, Suntec and Bugis in just a few hours. It was a great catching up session and more of it to come okay?!

With Hueywen when we caught her at Marina Square on the way to Ebase. And i see no reasons why Emelia has to block her face. Very pretty what!!

Clean toilet = girls favourite camwhoring hideout. Thats Emelia and Amber for you.
Had breakfast + lunch + dinner at Carls Jr. My virgin time there. Quite yummy and humongous portion of food.

There, we saw Vanessa from Gmethss and also Chen Han Wei with his er..
gayfriends who took the seat just behind us.
Walked around but i didnt get anything because i wanna save up for the Bangkok trip in early April. So we settled down at Breko Cafe in Bugis Village just to chill. Yeah, like totally.

I finally removed my Adidas cap because its dark so i assume that not much people will notice my very disfigured face.
I had such a fun and high time just bitching about with Emelia. Totally cool man, yeah totally. LOL
Met up with David at Lavender when Eme decided to return home. Drove down to Katong Shopping Centre to meet up with the other BBCs. So as expected, they were playing billiard and some horse racing game and finally, Dota. Oh shucks, i dont do any of the above so i was practically wasting my time away.
But seriously speaking, i dont mind doing nothing as long i have my friends around me. But do they know? Nah, they dont. And they will never know.
Well anyway, they were playing Dota at Rising Star which happens to be where Kerson works. So i sat at the counter disturbing him, checking out stuffs through the internet and learning basic Korean words (which ive already forgotten).

And its the first time i vroom vroom home. Thanks David, you're such a dear. weeeeeeeeee!!
My face is erm, much better now. Not as dry anymore. Thank God.
Gave M.O.S a miss today because i didnt feel like clubbing. Very boring right?! Yes it is lor.
And Mr Derek played me out again. We're supposed to have Seafood at East Coast since i dont know when, but mr busy Derek had to postpone it again and again. On account of the heavy responsibilities of a team manager, i shall forgive you once and again. I am just so nice. =X The next time round, im so gonna order lobster, crab, abalone and whatnot. YOU PAY! Yayyyyy
Meeting the GB girls this sat. I so cant wait!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:45:00 pm
Tuesday, March 7
> Peeling skin on my face. Disfigured!!
My face is badly peeled after the bad burn and now its freaking fugly because of the patches here and there. I look like i just escaped from a building on fire with burn marks. This is not funny at all because its MY face. So tell me, how am i gonna go town and meet Emelia in say an hour's time? BAH..

Initially, i like the natural pinkish cheek.

But now as it start to peel, my face is vandalised with different tones and its ugly like fuck. And the worst thing is, it hurts even when i dont touch it.
Shawnie said its better to be fair than have my face peeled. But i still think otherwise, i rather be tann and have my face peeled, than be fair and looking like a living ghost. YUCKS.
I wanna look like this always. Radiant even without make up. I love!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:39:00 pm
Saturday, March 4
> I love Sunsetbay!!
Oh i love my new skin colour, but its a little burnt at the back and uneven due to the bikini strap at the back of the neck. Awfully painful last night as i toss and turn in bed. =( But i love my face when it looks sunkissed. I dont even have to put on make up now as i prepare to work, just a little eyeliner and mascara and im done! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Yesterday was a splendid day spent at Sunsetbay. Not only did the usual sentosa khakis come, so did Vincent, Jason and Yi En(Jason's friend) and also happen to bump into a group of TPians who are Vincent's friend and ya you get the drift.
Dinner after that at Plaza Singapura. It was a great day, especially when Vincent and Jason could mix around with Marcel and Teddy so much. Looks like we have new companions for our Sentosa trip and new players to play volleyball with the guys. YAYNESS!
On Thursday after work, i met up with Kerson for dinner at the first place we dined - Hongkong Cafe. Yummy as always. Kerson gave me a lift home before he had his class. And i stayed home till then, in front of the television, so glued to the seat for 7 hours. Omg! Im sucha couch potato.
Meeting Jackson for movie tonight after work. Dead tired and my back hurts. =(
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:14:00 pm